
General Stats

Total Stats

  • 1 aut­hor to this blog.
  • 829 posts were posted.
  • 12 pages were created.
  • 1.150 tags were created.
  • 566 comm­ents were posted.
  • 213 dif­fe­rent nick­na­mes were repre­sen­ted in the comments.
  • 26 links were added.
  • 15 post cate­go­ries were needed.
  • 2 link cate­go­ries were needed.

Plugins Stats


  • 137 files were added.
  • 45,4 MiB worth of files.
  • 98.442 hits were generated.


  • 2.695.050 views were generated.


  • 30 Benut­zer gera­de online.
  • Es waren mit 833 Benut­zer am 12. Sep­tem­ber 2023 @ 05:31 die meis­ten online.

Top 15 Recent Stats

15 Recent Posts

15 Most Recent Downloads

15 Most/Highest Stats

15 Most Com­men­ted Posts

15 Most Com­men­ted Pages

15 Most Down­loa­ded Files

15 Most View­ed Posts

15 Most View­ed Pages

Authors Stats


  1. Andre­as (829)

Comments‘ Members Stats

Com­ment Members

  1. Andre­as (222)
  2. Asmus Uwe (11)
  3. Jan Hat­ten­bach (11)
  4. Ste­fan (8)
  5. Hein­oGan­da (7)
  6. peter (6)
  7. Ste­fan Gott­hold (6)
  8. Rai­ner Kirm­se (6)
  9. Dani­el Fischer (5)
  10. Mario Rich­ter (5)
  11. Ente (5)
  12. Uwe (5)
  13. Maxim (5)
  14. Lukas (5)
  15. rod­ney (5)

Misc Stats

Post Cate­go­ries

Link Cate­go­ries

  • Blogroll (26)

Kommentare sind geschlossen.